Use Sani-Spray to clean, deodorize and disinfect such items as: gym equipment, restaurant countertops, automotive interiors, airline seats, school cafeterias, CPAP equipment, mobile phones, computer keyboards, lunchrooms, laboratory equipment/surfaces, nail care implements, flooring tile, toys, public bathrooms, day care facilities, nursing homes, face masks, tanning beds, grocery store merchandise, food processing plants, common areas and more.
Use Sani-Spray on all hard, non-porous environmental surfaces/articles including: Chrome, glass, painted surfaces, plastics (such as polycarbonate, PVC, polypropylene and polystyrene), glazed porcelain, sealed granite, concrete and stainless steel.
This product kills the following bacteria in 2 minutes on pre-cleaned hard, non-porous surfaces at room temperature when used as directed:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442
Salmonella enterica ATCC 10708
Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538
This product kills emerging viral pathogen in 2 minutes on pre-cleaned hard, non-porous surfaces at room temperature when used as directed:
Rotavirus ATCC VR-2018 (Strain WA)
Cleaning and Deodorizing Directions
For surface cleaning: To clean surfaces, saturate surfaces with this product by spray then wipe surface clean using a microfiber mop, clean paper or cloth towel, or rinse surface using potable water and wipe surface dry or allow to air dry. Repeat, if necessary, until surfaces are visibly clean. Discard paper towels or launder cloth towels before reusing.
For use as a spot or stain removal spray treatment: Thoroughly spray soiled area, allow to remain wet for at least 10 seconds before laundering as usual.
For use as a deodorizer: Apply to surface by spray and either wipe off or allow to air dry.
For use as a pre-cleaning Instrument device spray: Place item into a suitable container. Thoroughly spray item with this product until drenched, thoroughly rinse. Follow with an appropriate terminal cleaning and sterilization/disinfection process.
Disinfection Directions
For use as a hard, non-porous, non-food contact surface disinfectant/virucide
Apply this product to pre-cleaned surfaces by spray to wet surfaces thoroughly. Allow to remain wet for 2 minutes at room temperature, then wipe dry using a microfiber mop, clean paper or cloth towel, or rinse surface using potable water and wipe surface dry or allow to air dry. Discard or launder spent materials before reuse.
On top of the good use of this product Dinowax also surprised me with a few test sized samples to try and was really impressed with that added touch of service. Thanks Dinowax