Cutting Crème can be used to remove coarse to fine sand scratches and swirls on cured or fresh paint. Level fresh paint with quick even cutting action. Strip oxidation on old paint fast. Designed for body shop use. Scented with our custom "Orange Cream" fragrance. *Patent Pending*
SHINE properties run 5 to 0, with 5 as the highest.
CUT properties run 0 to 5, with 0 as the highest.
Cutting Crème is a 0 for SHINE, more CUT than any other product and no SHINE properties at all. Silicone-Free.
Headlight Lens Recipe: Apply Cutting Crème to the lens using our yellow pad, followed by Micronizing Glaze with the black pad. The headlight lens will look like new glass. A really bad lens may require a light sanding with 220 grit paper before Cutting Crème.
*All Dinowax products in the WAX collection can be mixed on the paint surface to further customize performance characteristics.
It's a very good product. I used it when I buffed a customers headlights at my detail shop. Didn't even come back with polish or wax
Can cutting creme taking off by hand or does it requires a buffer
It’s does what is says with perfection and ease. I’ve used many different cleaning products in my day. And hands down the is the go too and number one cutting cream. See for yourself and add a bottle to your arsenal.
Best Cutting Compound I Have Used By Far! Finishes Down Perfect!